meet sarah
Sarah Cleeland
Nationally Accredited Mediator
Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
Parenting Coordinator
Circle of Security Facilitator
Child Protection Practitioner
Independent Children’s Lawyer
Separate Representative for Children
Collaborative Lawyer
Senior Family Lawyer

Having now worked in the industry for over 24 years, Sarah has an extensive history of Litigation, Advocacy, Collaborative and Alternate Dispute Resolution experience. She is a highly respected and well-regarded lawyer who has represented clients and children for over 20 years in the Children’s Court, Magistrates Court, Federal Circuit Court of Australia, Family Court of Australia, Court of Appeal and in Alternate Dispute Resolution forums. As well as practicing generally as a Family Lawyer, Sarah is a Nationally Accredited Mediator, Collaborative Lawyer, Parenting Coordinator, Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and Child Inclusive Mediator.
Sarah is an Independent Children’s Lawyer on the National Panel of Independent Children’s Lawyers. She was appointed as a Separate Representative representing the interests of children in Child Protection Proceedings in the State Courts and continues to fulfil that important role. She is also particularly proud to have represented and promoted the rights of children in the Magellan Program within the Family Court, involving cases of the most serious allegations of sexual, emotional, and physical child abuse.
Sarah remains passionate about assisting parents and children following separation. To further her strongly held belief in the benefit of parents exploring alternative dispute resolution processes and working collaboratively in the interest of their children, Sarah has Collaborative Lawyer training, and is also a Parenting Coordinator and a Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator. In those roles, Sarah works with parents both during and post Orders to support them in working cooperatively in the interest of their children.
Sarah is an extremely experienced and much sought-after Mediator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. She finds it highly satisfying and rewarding to assist parents, particularly in her role as a Parenting Coordinator and a Mediator of Family Law Disputes.
Qualifications & Accreditations:
- Bachelor of Laws and Commerce (Honours), 1996
- Admission as a solicitor to the Supreme Court of Queensland, 1999
- Admission as a solicitor to the High Court of Australia, 2005
- National Accreditation as a Mediator – Queensland Law Society, 2003
- National Approval as an Independent Children’s Lawyer (Legal Aid Queensland), 2003
- Completion of Child Protection training and approval as a Separate Representative Child Protection 2005
- Completion of Masters Advanced Training Collaborative Lawyer Training, 2007
- Successful completion and qualification as a Principal to operate a Law Firm 2010
- Approval as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (Attorney General Queensland), 2016
- Board Member of the Child Protection Practitioners Association 2019
- Completion of and Approval as a Domestic Violence Duty Lawyer 2019
- Successful completion of training and commencement of services as a Parenting Coordinator, 2022
- Successful completion of training of services as a Circle of Security Parenting provider with Circle of Security International 2022
Areas of Practice:
- Parenting Disputes
- Property Settlements
- Consent Orders
- Domestic Violence
- Child Support
- Child Protection
- Independent Representation of Children
- Parenting Coordinator
- Mediation
- Panel of Independent Children’s Lawyers Legal Aid Queensland
- Panel of Separate Representatives Legal Aid Queensland
- Member Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland
- Member Family Law Practitioners Association
- Member Queensland Law Society
- Member Family Law Section Law Council of Australia
- Member of Australian Mediation Association
- Member of Australian Institute of Family Law Arbitrators and Mediators
- Member of Pacifica Congress
- Member Collaborative Practitioners Association

What our clients say
Thank you so much for all your support! It was a challenging battle from the get go but I knew we could win!
Thanks so much for everything. Everyone at SC family lawyers has been amazing and really happy with the end outcome. Will definitely come back if there’s any need in the future.
A big thank you for your support and guidance. Plus a big thank you for putting up with me. It is such a hard journey and I would not have made it this far without you. I appreciate you both.
Once again, thank you very much for your time, attention and patience throughout this process. Your assistance, and that of everyone involved at your office, is greatly appreciated.
I would like to take this opportunity to again thank you for all of your advice, support, guidance & knowledge in gaining such a favourable outcome for my kiddies future. Your patience in dealing with multiple backflips & 720 degree turns along the way this past year has been truly amazing & I’m in awe!